Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Public Speaking

I've heard say that our #1 fear is public speaking, followed by death. So yesterday, when the opportunity was dropped on my lap and too heavy to shift to someone else I accepted the challenge. I don't think I've spoken in front of a crowd since mandatory group projects in University.

I was asked to moderate an Ovarian Cancer Information and Support Evening. The moderator took ill and I knew it would make a good impression on my colleagues and boss. Important for the reference check in the future! I didn't have to make anything up, just introduce each of the panel speakers, make sure things ran on time, and lead the question period. Easy, right? I mean, if there is anything I can do well, I can talk!

I was a bundle of nerves prior to the event, so I went to the gym to work off the edge. The coordinators commented that I looked so relaxed and calm. Amazing for having only been asked that afternoon to jump in. I flubbed my way through the first few minutes, stumbling over a couple of words and telling myself to slow down my speech. But by the time the evening was over, I felt quite at ease and ad-libbing started to come easy. I received multiple compliments, and my self esteem soared.

The feedback I received today was all positive. Apparently I set the audience at ease and created a relaxed environment.

I could do this again!


Anonymous said...

isn't it great to be pushed out of our comfort zones once in a while?! You discover things about yourself that you could not know unless you tried it! I'm sure you did very well, apparently you have inherited my quality of never ever looking nervous, even when you are just quaking inside, so... I would like to see the copy of that evening -- I am very proud of you! Love MOM

it's a gong show... said...

you go girl!

Anonymous said...

I have no doubt you were a smashing success. You've got this in the bag, girl! Way to go!

James said...

I knew you were the Val of many hats!