Sunday, August 17, 2008


The sunbeam through the east facing window warmed my back. My baby was sleeping, snuggled into my chest. I remembered that one year ago he was just a dream. I had been a happy kind of jealous when my niece was born, with parenthood feeling like an unreachable dream. Little did I know that he had already, just barely, been conceived. The song on the radio urged me to sway. It was the one sang at my wedding by my brother and my Aunt. I held my baby and danced, as we glimpsed heaven together. He in his dreams and me in my Mum's kitchen.


Anonymous said...

...what is it about mom's kitchen? What a great time of life you're in...with only one baby and a mom to mother you. Roselle

Anonymous said...

It was great to have you over for a couple of days -- even though Daddy misses his boy when you're here! Couldn't get over how much it had changed since the last time you stayed over! He is so much less work, and so pleasant! No more crying fits -- unless he wakes up after sleeping way too long and is soooo....hungry. love MOM

Anonymous said...

Lovely - absolutely lovely...