Monday, January 30, 2012

Status Quo

Ahhh... routine. It feels so good to be doing what I do. Balancing between work and home. I'm feeling generally well. Looking forward to what we'll learn on Friday's ultrasound.

It's living in the unknown (a place well known to many) that drives me nuts. If I knew what to expect, I could gather my strength and prepare to face it. But patience isn't a particularly strong point of mine and this wait and see approach is challenging.

It would be so great to de-stress at the gym. But that would be unwise. All I can really do is take care of myself. That's something I know how to do.


Anonymous said...

Wish I could be there to distract you sis. It must be so frustrating to just sit in limbo right now, while it's constantly on your mind. Big hugs, lots of love jen

Valerie Ruth said...

i wish so too jen!