Wednesday, June 18, 2008


I've been thinking of what to blog. I think I'd like to be the kind of writer who doesn't only write about her baby. That the other elements of life still consume my time, energy, and thoughts. Not so. All I do is baby. Therefore, this is all you shall read.

We went for a 1 month check-up today. The little man has grown to 21.5 inches and 8 lb 10oz. I can't believe how big he's getting. I was kind of hoping for a 5 lb bundle a little longer. He loved the doctor visit - smiled and coo-ed at her and generally played Baby Jesus. I figure Baby Jesus must have been a model baby. He certainly would never have pushed his mother to the brink of temptation, would he have?

As soon as we got home, he did this:

Today was a great success. With 4 hours of sleep under my belt, I decided that the morning would be a good time for a walk. And so I took my Fussipotimus (my favorite nickname for my cranky baby) and put him in the Baby Bjorn that my sister-in-law so graciously lent to us. I put the dog on the leash and prided myself. Dog AND baby. Impressive! We waddled around the park a couple of times and chatted with my neighbor, who is an adult and much better at conversation than my 5 week old infant. It went swimmingly. I came home and marinated meat for supper. I put my sleeping Isaiah in his bouncy chair and swished through the bath before loading him up, on my own, for his appointment in the afternoon. I felt competent and capable. Maybe I WILL get the hang of this one day.

On another note, my thumbs are not green and my flowerbeds are not as lovely as they were last year. Time and hand availability seem to be a factor. I have, however, succeeded in putting a few pots together to brighten our porch. Ta-da!


Anonymous said...

Aw, he is such a sweetie! Surely he could never try your patience! As to flower beds....a big black dog digging up all your perennials and digging all the dirt out of your flower bed doesn't help -- never mind baby and time!

Linda said...

I for one never tire of moms blogging about their babies. Glad you had such a great day! There will be more. I promise.

Kent & Tina Derhousoff said...

You should make Isaiah a W.W.B.J.D bracelet and every time he cries, point to it and say, What Would Baby Jesus Do?