Saturday, July 18, 2009

Blogger Woes

I've had such trouble getting on to blogger. I think it's my internet settings, but I just can't figure it out.

Now I don't know what to write about...

The fact that my Mum is more internet savvy, 21st century with it than I am. She joined Facebook and is finding hundreds of friends. As an attempt to regain my coolness I've joined Twitter. So far only spammers follow my updates.
I could write about the issues I've been having with my spine and supposed upcoming appointment with a surgeon. I could write about the MRI I had and the xrays I'm going to have. I could write about my frustrations with our health care system. Or how my head spins and the clouds gather over me when I think about it too much.
Or I could post a picture of the progess on our house. Our builder may be bankrupt, but one man ensures that the work continues. S l o w l y but surely. Now we have scaffolding, a scratch coat, and an airconditioner.

Promises of things to come


Brenda Funk said...

It hasn't been the easiest couple of days for you...but I'm glad to see you ending on an up-note! You do have a lovely house, a wonderful boy and a good man! Love you! MOM

mmichele said...

hey there
i switched to firefox and my internet-blogger problems went away.
wish the health care system was that easy to fix, and your spine for that matter.
wanted to send some love your way.

Linda said...

I'm confused. I thought your house was finished?

Beth said...

I think I will find your mom on facebook! I tried twitter but i just dont get it. the fact that I drowned my phone today might make it a little harder to use too...