Thursday, August 27, 2009


I was going to put some time and thought into a post today. Instead, I slept in. I didn't make the bed. I had a cinnamon bun and coffee for breakfast. I had a hot bath and shaved my legs while the Boy napped. Then I invited the Babysitter over and I booted it to the city. I had lunch with a dear friend. And oh yes, I went to the gym. Then to the mall to buy a potty for the Boy and playtime with friends and treats. I had a sleeping Boy in the car when I got home and did some frantic cleaning for the Husband, cleaning Nazi, prior to his return home. He had been away and I had enjoyed all kinds of guilty pleasures. Now I have fed the family and am starting to wind down. Clearly I have no time for deep thoughts today.

1 comment:

Wendy Barkman said...

you got all those thoughts out while driving and/or meeting with your friend and even shaving? sounds like a delightful day in some ways - sounds like val making time and space for val and i like that!