Saturday, March 17, 2007

If I Were Dog

In contrast to my last blog..

If I were Dog I wouldn't change a thing. If I were Dog the most precious gift you could give me would be a stick. A simple walk in the park would make me cry. Ultimate contentment could be found with an invitation on the bed to snuggle with my people. If I were Dog I would recognize who my Master was and obey. Usually. If I were Dog others would clean up after me. Humans would ensure that I could never reproduce and my infertility would never upset me. If I were Dog I could touch people's hearts by putting my head on their laps and never saying a thing.

I could learn a lot from Dog.


Anonymous said...

why is it so much easier to figure out what we would do if we were someone else? Since you're not God, and since you're not a dog....

Anonymous said...

you're next one can be "If I were me...and I am". :)

mmichele said...

...if i were a dog i would be asleep more than i was awake and i would enjoy the same kibbles day after day after day...

Anonymous said...

I love seeing glimpses of the world through your eyes. You teach me profound lessons.