Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Church Things

Last night the Husband and I went to a church thing. Most of the time, I like church things. Not everything and not all the time though. The music last night was great. The drummer, phenomenal!

We go to a Bible thumping, miracle believing, hands in the air kind of church. It's as pentecostal on a Tuesday night as anything you've ever seen. One service a month everyone just lets loose. Sundays are much more structured.

I come from a conservative Mennonite background. Self control is key. Clap during a song that you find particularly inspiring and looks get sent your way as if to say "you are SO worldly." Other worldly faults include: praying out loud when someone else is praying, dancing, drinking wine, and generally having too much fun. I hear this church has relaxed somewhat since I left many years ago and even *gasp* has drums in their Sunday services!

I think I fit somewhere in the middle. I have a quiet faith that's personal to me. It's not the same as everyone else's, it's an individual fit. I'm not uptight about rules and I don't like judging people or their actions. I don't like to sell what I believe to others any more than I enjoy an Amway person trying to get me in on their pyramid. And trust me, I'm more afraid of these kinds of schemes than I am of the end of the world. Actually, it's more of a hatred. I'd rather sit naked in the middle of a field in a thunderstorm than have an Amway rep hit me up. But that's a different post. I do like to live what I believe, not sell it.

I like that our church lets realizes that not everyone shares all parts of their faiths. I like that we can have variety and diversity. I love the small group we've found a home in. I love the fact that I can attend a church without ever hearing any gossip or church politics. I HATE church politics. The main speaker is funny and talks about things that are relevant to my life. It's great that they have a service on Saturday as well as Sunday for us shift working types. It means we can actually participate. I like walking in sometimes and having no one recognize me. I also like being recognized sometimes.

But sometimes. Sometimes I don't want to go to the front to ask for healing. My spine may be twisted, and trust me, I've asked for a miracle. I also believe I received one and that my emotional healing is a bigger gift than physical ever would be. I can't pray out loud when everyone else is praying out loud. I can't "speak in tongues". I'm not even sure what that's all about. When a pastor asks us to turn and touch the person on our left and pray for them, all I can think of is "someone I don't know is touching me". When the crowd is told to come to the front for whatever reason, I just might excuse myself and go to the bathroom or wander the halls for a while. When a song is played over and over and over again and people get louder and louder, I stand uncomfortably in my quiet waiting for it to be over, wondering if there was a pill I was forgetting to take before entering the sanctuary that would give such ecstasy.

I don't know that any "institution" as such would fit me perfectly. And I'm okay with that. As long as we agree on the important things that bring us together, I feel ok about not fitting in entirely. I like being my own person. It reminds me that I'm not a carbon copy, that I have my own brain. I think worship is personal and there is no right or wrong way. I believe quiet is as effective as loud. And sometimes, if I need to walk out of a service for a while, that's okay too.


Anonymous said...

Yes -- each of us has an "individual faith", but still, even as we often feel we don't quite fit, it is still important to be part of a community of faith. If you are like me, there will never be a church that you will agree with 100% (guess that's why there are so many churches!), and that's OK!
And please don't feel like you should sell your faith like Amway! Sharing your faith involves loving and caring, being in relationship -- not just reading the 4 spiritual laws(if you even know what that is!). Sorry for the long ramble.... almost as long as your blog!

Anonymous said...

I've given up finding an institution that matches my faith. There just isn't one. And, still, I was awfully excited to go to church for the first time yesterday since our little scare with baby. (Somebody kindly gave us a ride.)
In our current church, it's the sermons I find hard to swallow. All of them are about the remedy or the quick-fix - you know what I mean. So I take a notebook along and write out all my frustrations and backtalk and questions as I listen. People can think I'm studiously taking notes if they like.
I'm asking God for the day when my first reaction is to see the stuff we have in common - the pastor and I - and not the stuff that grates my nerves.

Anonymous said...

My church is Mennonite, but really, I myself have called myself non-denominational.

Because it's all personal belief. And that's not an excuse. I mean, all Christians know the basic truth about Jesus, the cross, our sins, and what He's done for us. But to try and push your own belief from your denomination on someone who is in a different denomination.. that's just as bad as Amway, heh. So my friend is Lutherin and believes in stuff I don't agree with. He knows the truth, and as accepted Jesus Christ into his life. Doesn't mean he's in the wrong and I have to witness to him.

Glad to hear you have a church that works for you! ^_^

I'm Chris, BTW. I go to David Funk's church. Hope you don't mind me watching your blog!