Thursday, May 3, 2007

Making it My Own

This is a spring to be remembered. For the first time, we have a place to call our own. And we're loving it! I have 3 garden patches. I have filled one with perennials. I have no idea what day lilies, mums, yarrows, and poppies look like and am looking forward to learning. Annuals shall be added in a couple of weeks. Another bed is in pure shade. A couple of Hostas live there and I'm adding Lily of the Valley to their little group. Finally, by the garage is a south facing bed. It shall house the vegetable group. I haven't planted them yet as I'm thinking it's still a bit risky. Good thing I have my Mum, a plant expert if I must say so myself, to consult with in all matters plant. Pictures to come this summer.

On an uglier note, a happily monogamous pair of pigeons has decided to take over my roof. They sit about a foot above our bedroom window and seem to giggle when we groggily curse and slam our window shut in the morning to shut out their evil cooing. Our wonderful neighbor hoisted himself to the nest and destroyed it for us with help from a high pressure washer. Sorry baby birdies, but your parents are evil and it would be better for you to not live at all. I'm really not this kind of person... And last week, lo and behold, another nest. Persistent buggers. This one was removed by yours truly, with the help of a rake. 2 eggs plopped onto the ground. Our neighbor has now taken to shooting these disease infested critters with a sling-shot. All power to him, that's what I say.


Anonymous said...

I'm jealous of you, I have always wanted to putter around in the garden and start learning the ropes from mom! No dirt around here...

Linda said...

Have fun with the garden. And as for those pigeons, you have my permission (and the permission of millions, I'm sure) to kill the pesky buggers. They are like rats, only they can fly.

Anonymous said...

There's nothing like having your own garden and plants to take care of! It never occurred to me to work in my Mom's garden! And I must say I'm a little possessive about my garden -- I don't really like other people working in it -- except if they want to pull weeds. Hope you come to enjoy it like I do -- there is nothing as restorative, calming and healing as to walk through your garden 50 times a day! Have fun with the pigeons! Love MOM

Anonymous said...

Yay for plants, for gardening, for making the place your own - for letting yourself be and become and enjoy. I'd love to see pictures. Even now. Remember I had to cancel that visit where I was going to be able to see your new house? Pictures sound great!

Anonymous said...