Thursday, August 30, 2007

Remind Me to Keep My Big Mouth Shut

I've been doing patient transfers for the last couple of days. That means I escort a patient from one hospital to another for tests, Dr. appointments, etc. Stable patients are transferred by Medivan and unstable patients by ambulance. I usually opt for the stable patients.

Yesterday afternoon I got called in for an escort. My patient needed to go to Health Sciences Centre for an MRI. Everything went fine until the end. Right when he was ready to go, I called the Medivan for a pickup. No problem. But a few minutes after that, the Doctor called saying to stay there until he could come down and take a look at the films. So I cancelled the pickup.

I was sitting with my patient when I heard the phone ring. The MRI girl sounded frazzled and called me to the phone. The dispatcher was incredibly displeased that I had called "before my patient was ready". Now he had sent out a vehicle and he couldn't get ahold of them, which meant they were probably in my building. I tried to explain that it was most unusual that a Doc look at the films immediately (my patient has significant status and I believe got some special treatment here). That the plan had been to do the test and take him right back. There was no reasoning with the dispatcher. He stopped short of calling me names and questioning my competence, but not by much. I was just about in tears and the MRI girl and I agreed that he must be a terrible human being.

This morning I did another trip. One of the guys with the Medivan was someone I'd done transfers with numerous times. He sat with us in the back and the other guy drove. We started chit-chatting and I said "I got an earful from a NASTY dispatcher yesterday."

Lo and behold, a familiar voice piped up from the driver's seat "Are you Val?" I said that I was and he informed me it was him, and that he'd had good reason to be nasty. And we relived our argument, just a little politer for the patient's sake. But I stood my ground on the action I had taken. He had been ready. Plans changed at the last minute. "No, obviously he wasn't ready." Ya da ya da.

What are the chances?

Next time, please remind me to keep my big mouth shut.


Ash said...

Well... figures that something like that would happen!! I am glad you stood your ground though...
It's weird how these things happen in life sometimes!

Anonymous said...

and as the medivan guys said, don't pay any attention -- he's like this all the time, happens at least 5 times/day! As for keeping your mouth shut -- your mother should know that that is not really possible! Love MOM

Anonymous said...

talk about unexpected; the medivan driver sounds slightly socially maladjusted, what do you think?

Martha said...

Keeping your mouth shut??? It's not your fault. It's the Klippenstein in you. You can't help it!!! LOL

it's a gong show... said...

I agree with Tante Mart..all of us Kloppenshoes seem to have that trait. You go girl! Stand your ground!

I really enjoy your posts Val.


Anonymous said...

So refreshing to know there's another "Klipper" relative, who winds up with both feet in her mouth...welcome to my world : ) Tante L

Linda said...

Too often people like that dispatcher get away with being rude and inconsiderate. I think that he needed to hear how he affected you. It was no coincidence that this happened. I hope you continue to stand up for what is right even though you may find yourself in an awkward situation again.