Friday, September 28, 2007

All That STRESS for Nothing

I've been stressing with worries about this little life I'm carrying. So much, in fact, that I landed up in Emergency yesterday morning. My hormone levels weren't rising as expected and I'd had some spotting. The Doctor was fabulous and sent me for an Ultrasound. The technician didn't give me any clue as to what was happening and told me I'd have to wait till the next day for a report. Unless it was urgent, then the scan could be read in Winkler. So the Emergency Doc called that hospital and got the report - a single, live "fetus" measuring 8 weeks 2 days with a reassuring heartbeat of 166 beats per minute.

And I could finally sleep.


Anonymous said...

I say it's a girl, and if I'm right (after all I did dream you were pregnant before you even knew it)you may have to name her after me! Carol

The Sm'allards said...

Agreed. Girls are trouble! Thus, mine is a boy. He's been an angel!

Jennifer P said...

What relief! Not only that there's a heart beat, but there's only 1 critter in there. Phew.

it's a gong show... said...

i have to disagree with carol, i think it's a boy. both my girls had heartbeats in the 140s and my boy was in the 160s. either way, you truly are blessed to have a little life growing inside of you.

Anonymous said...

And just think, you're two thirds of the way past the most difficult time -- catch up on sleep this week! Watch Dave and Kendra, and really value your sleep for the next few months -- it might be a long time before you get a good night!! Love MOM

joyce said...

Its begun already. Your body and mind are no longer your own!