Monday, April 16, 2007


I'm the kind of person who needs someone to look up to. As far back as I can remember, role models were vital for me. Women with more life experience than myself who could offer an objective perspective on my issues and struggles in life got me through the teenage and early young adult years. These women have taken the time to sit down with me for coffee, breakfast, or just talk time. I've always been able to lay out my thoughts and get good, level headed feedback.

"Are these thoughts rational or normal? How could I do this differently? Is this my fault? How do I do this marriage thing? What should I say to communicate effectively?"

I don't have anybody like this in my life right now, and I miss it. I miss being able to open myself up and be accepted. I miss rational advice. I miss being able to share my most confusing thoughts.

Sometimes I feel just a little alone. Just a little lost. Not usually. But sometimes.


Linda said...

I am fortunate to have at least 3 mentors in my life right now. It is wonderful. Go find yourself someone soon. And then maybe you could do the same for someone else...

Valerie Ruth said...

honestly i'm not sure where to look to find someone... and i'd love to do the same for someone else too!

David Funk said...

Sometimes they just happen - gifts unlooked for. I'm sure that's happened for you before that way. I'll pray that it will again. I'm like you in the need for a mentor. I'm sunk w/o one. Right now I've got 2 I meet with - both pastors for decades, and successfully. One guy has been the conference pastor of 2 different denominations, has never had any training, and has a learning and a speech impediment. Amazing.

Anonymous said...

I like Linda's idea of actively looking for someone, and also that you can do it for someone else--and I know for a fact that indeed you are a very caring mentor for several people -- you probably just don't think of yourself as such. And you do have a Mom who loves you! That's not quite equivalent to a mentor, but still...

Valerie Ruth said...

awww mum you are better than any mentor ever.

now how do i go about looking for one? classified ads? i know people i'd LIKE to have in that position, but i don't know how to approach it. people from church i'm just starting to get to know and i dont even know if they have time in their lives.

Anonymous said...

I told ya I'd leave a comment sometime... I really like what you wrote here... I can relate in so many ways. I miss talking to you... pop on sometimes soon!!
ML!! ;)