This list may not have made it out for Thanksgiving weekend, but better late than never. With three turkey dinners in two days, I was just too busy! Also, I think this exercise in thankfulness is one I'll have to practice more often, because it took me a full 2 days to think of 100.
1. Sights & smells of Fall
2. New beginnings
3. Public transportation
4. Living at the beginning of a bus route, ensuring I always get a seat
5. A house big enough to share
6. A dog the size of a horse
7. Who believes my return home is cause for a party. Even if I've only been gone 10 min.
8. Coworkers who throw going away parties
Orangina - a perfect going away gift for an obstetric nurse, I was told. Rhymes with one major Canadian city and 1 woman's body part. Mystery is - does it taste more like orange or more like
gina? I have yet to discover...
10. Good memories
11. Wood burning fireplaces
12. Candles
13. Strong coffee
14. A sister who flies home on holidays
15. Huge extended families
16. Job security
17. 3 Turkey dinners in 2 days
18. An excuse to eat as much stuffing as I want
19. Warm jackets
20. Scarves
21. In-laws who love me
22. Grandparents
23. A little brother who still thinks I'm cool
24. The Husband
25. Who cleans (albeit obsessively)
26. And instead of cursing that I'm keeping him up with my coughing fits, throws his arm around me and comforts.
27. Gym memberships
28. Stretching
29. Brightly blooming Mums in the cold, pissing rain
30. Sour fruit gushers
31. Electric toothbrushes
32. A church that does tradition non-
Thermophore heating pads
34. Universal health care
35. A comfortable bed
36. An older brother with a heart big enough to pastor
37. A massage therapist who makes me feel comfortable
38. Northern lights
39. People who love my 9.5 wk old Baby enough to buy it presents already
40. Seasonal socks
41. Garages
42. New clothes
43. Old, comfy clothes
44. Distinct seasons
45. Farmers
46. Home care workers
47. Parents who "talk me home" after a night shift in Portage
48. Chips
49. Neighbors who watch out for us
50. Cinema City - cheap movies!
51. Colorful fish
52. Makeup
53. Honesty
54. Life long friends
55. New friends
56. Clipboards
57. Sleeping in
58. My own pillow
59. Doctors who care about their patients
60. Mom's cinnamon buns
61. Bathtubs
62. Toilets
63. 50 weeks of paid maternity leave
64. Parks
65. Long walks
66. Soup in winter
67. Soft serve
ice cream. Dipped in chocolate
68. Computers
69. Fancy breakfasts at
Pay cheques71. Black pens
72. Cooperative patients
73. Dad's big boots
74. The husband's perfectly arranged closet
75. Sandals
Sorels77. Spontaneous gifts from Mum - "It was such a good deal, I just couldn't leave it there!"
78. Flowers for no reason
79. Back supports
80. Razors
81. Friends' successes
82. Marriages that make it
83. Cell phones
84. Girls night out
85. Words
86. The husband's return to the
blogosphere87. A husband whose thoughts I enjoy reading
88. Low German
89. Nail files
90. Afternoon naps
91. Garbage day
92. Open spaces
93. Funk's farm.
94. Bonfires in the country
95. Tim Horton's
96. Filtered water
97. Medical gloves
98. Mechanical pencils
99. Air fresheners
100. Books that challenge my thinking.